04 February 2008

The Answer, My Friend, is Blowin' in the Wind

I remember reading about the San Francisco ban on plastic grocery bags last year and thinking that it sounded draconian. From the look of it, though, an Irish tax on grocery bags accomplishes the same policy objectives while still avoiding a burdensome state mandate. Now if only we could incorporate the same principles into our policies on water use and carbon emissions...

03 February 2008

Yes We Can

Thanks to Emily Upstill for sending me this inspiring music video, yet another paean to Obama from the entertainment industry.

Also worth reading: An op-ed in today's WSJ that proclaims the fall of the "angry left" and the ascent of the "politics of hope and unity."

The Story of Stuff

This is a 20 minute video that was passed along to me presenting a thought-provoking, if oversimplified, look at our materials economy. Worth taking the time to view, and I'd be interested in others' reactions.

I think a critical eye will find myriad problems with the arguments, but the facts are illuminating and the presentation is cute.